
Dale Christian College welcomes enrolment enquiries at any time throughout the year for entry into our Primary or Secondary schools. Our main intake years are Kindergarten and Year 7.

Please keep in mind it is difficult to advise as to availability due to many reasons.  In order to gain enrolment, it is highly suggested to submit your application and other requested documents, as soon as possible.  Once all requested details have been received you will receive further updates by email.

Admission is at the discretion of the Principal, following a successful application.

Online Forms

Online application forms are now being accepted.  Click here to be directed to the form.  You will receive a temporary password to gain access and should you need to return to the form you are able to do so.  There is no need to fill all the details in, in one sitting.

Online Application Form

Information and Forms

Enrolment Procedure                  Procedure

Fees and Charges                        2024 Fees and Charges Information Pages

Application form for Family      Enrolment Application Pack

Application form for Sibling       Sibling Application Form

School Reference form               School Reference Form 

Additional Needs for student    Supplementary Form – Additional Needs

Withdrawal Confirmation            Withdrawal Confirmation Notice


Enquiries can be made online Electronic Enquiry Online or by emailing enrolments@dalecc.wa.edu.au directly.


We are offering Group Tours and Private Tours.  Group tours are specific to school areas, eg, Secondary and Primary School.  Private tours may be limited due to time constraints.  They can be booked below:

Booking for Group Tours

Booking for Private Tours

Open Night – September 2024

For any further information, please email the Enrolments officer on: enrolments@dalecc.wa.edu.au

Dale Christian College Walk Around.

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