Our College Board

What is the Function of the Dale Christian College Board?

Dale Christian College is a ministry of the Armadale Congregational Church. By law, the existence of a Board of governors, is responsible for the oversight of the College, using public and government funds.  This Board, as it serves the College community, is answerable to the Armadale Congregational Church.

The College Board operates at a governance level which means its responsibility is to:

  • Ensure the strategic values, purpose and vision continue to be supportive of the primary function of the school.
  • This primary function is to offer affordable, quality education within the framework of a Christ-centred biblical world view as we strive to equip our students with skills and strong values that encourage them to pursue excellence in all areas.
  • Appointing the Principal and monitoring the school’s standard of education and care provided to all students.

It is important to understand the College Board does not involve itself with the management responsibilities of the school but rather sets its strategic direction. The day-to-day responsibilities of the school are devolved to the School Principal, his executive team, and staff.

Who are the Members of the College Board?

Board Chair: Mr. Ian Prangnell Dip T

Board Secretary: Mrs Charmaine Lamprecht

Board Treasurer: Mr. Kevin Ryan CPA, BBus

Members: Mr. John Younger, Mr. Daniel Steadman, Mr. Richard Butcher, Mr. Chas Cameron, Mr. Keith Newby Dip T, B.Ed., M.Ed., (Retired School Principal)

College Principal: Mr. Fourie Jordaan Cert IV TAE, Dip T, Higher Dip T

How often does the College Board meet?
The College Board meets on the third Thursday of the month a minimum of ten times in the year.

Contact the Board

Board Secretary

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