Welcome to Dale Christian College.
Dale Christian College is an outreach activity of the Armadale Congregational Church and is affiliated with Christian Schools Australia, a network of Christian Schools throughout Australia that actively promote Christ-centered education. The College is managed on a day-to-day basis by the principals, who are responsible to a duly elected Board. The Board is responsible to the Church.
Dale Christian College offers more than just a good education. We do our very best to instruct your child, so they have a balanced, positive and healthy outlook on life. This means they will be well equipped to face the challenges of a rapidly changing world. We aim to develop each child’s spiritual, physical and mental gifts.
Dale Christian College is a child safe organization and seeks to always uphold the National Principles for Child Safe Organizations (Australian Human Rights Commission) in order to create a culture, adopt strategies and take action to promote child wellbeing and prevent harm to children and young people.